React-Project Ideas To Learn Full-Stack Development, Host the Project

Atul Kumar Awasthi
4 min readMay 16, 2021


“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney

Full-Stack React Projects will take you through the process of preparing the development environment for MERN stack-based web development, creating a basic skeleton app, and extending it to build six different web apps. You’ll build apps for social media, classrooms, media streaming, online marketplaces with real-time bidding, and web-based games with virtual reality features.

A full stack developer in its simplest words is someone who can develop both the frontend and the backend, or in other terms, a developer who can build both the client and the server.

A quick discussion, Frontend Stack includes, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Javascript, ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, etc.

And the Backend Stack includes PHP, NodeJS, C++, Java, Python, ExpressJS, SQL, MongoDB, REST, C#, ASP.NET, Ruby, etc.

And stacks include:

MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Reactjs, NodeJS),

MEAN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS),

Django Stack (Javascript, Python, Django, MySQL),

Ruby on Rails (Javascript, Ruby, SQLite, and Rails), etc.

Why React learn?

React is a JavaScript library dedicated to front-end development, specifically for building user interfaces made of reusable components. It was created by Facebook (original author: Jordan Walke) in 2011 for their own use and is maintained by them to this day. It was made open-sourced two years later and it quickly gained popularity. It’s particularly well-known for being fairly easy to learn, its extremely fast development, and a giant community of ready-to-help developers. One of its most famous features is Virtual DOM, which enhances the performance of React apps.

React may have opened up new frontiers for frontend web development and changed the way we program JavaScript user interfaces, but we still need a solid backend to build a complete web application.

Explaining some good project ideas —

  1. Social media app — Build a social media app or app clone in which you learn about how posts, a news feed, tweet, left-right states, authentication, header, etc… work.

Demo link:

Github link:

2. API- based Project — In API based project you will learn how to API call, data fetch, data stats, graph, map implementation, Live data, and many more.

Demo link:

GitHub link:

3. Todo app — Build a basic beginner-friendly app to store your data with full CRUD(create, read, update, delete) functionality. It is like google-clone.In this project, you learn the basic functionality of react, hooks, state, for designing part used material-UI or bootstrap.

with a real-time database:

Demo link:

Github link:

without a real-time database:

Demo link:

Github link:

4. Media player-app — Build a media-player-app to learn how song shuffling, playlist work, media player API authentication, sidebar stats, header, search music, footer format, etc.. work.

Demo link:

Github link:

5. Dating app — Build a dating app or app clone in which you know learn how to chat message, match person, left-right swipe, content reload, like, dislike, super like, header format, etc… work.

Demo link:

Github link:

6. E-commerce site — Build an e-commerce site to learn how to add to cart items, calculate the total of cart items, authentication, banner, order, header format work.

Demo link:

Github link:

7. Portfolio — Build your digital portfolio.

Demo link:



Remember for backend, real-time database, for host and deploy, use Firebase, it is easy to use in the project.

use firebase as a backend

8. Share-app — Develop a beginner-friendly idea, news, trending meme sharing app with the move to the next news and share functionality.

sharing a link, to demonstrate the structure of the project, remember the link of project is an Android application project which is developed in Kotlin languange.

Github link:

How to host the project

  1. Firebase
  2. Vercel
  3. Netlify
  4. Heroku



Atul Kumar Awasthi
Atul Kumar Awasthi

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